1. To live is to be vulnerable — there’s no avoiding it.

Being vulnerable is not a trait reserved for a certain gender or the sentimental souls among us. Vulnerability is simply the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure inherent in life. We all face the same choice: engage with life on its own terms or run and hide. The title of this book was inspired by Theodore Roosevelt’s famous speech “Citizenship in a Republic.” In his speech, Roosevelt imagines the good life as an arena in which the man who enters must do so while, “daring greatly.” Vulnerability is when you put yourself out there, engaging with life in the arena rather than from the sidelines. Most often, we try to avoid being vulnerable because we are afraid. We fear vulnerability because we see it as weakness. The allure of building an invulnerable self is seductive, but it doesn’t exist in the human experience. We must be willing to engage with vulnerability, whether that be in a new relationship, through a difficult conversation, or amidst the inevitable challenges of parenting.

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