Key Insights From:
Daring Greatly
By Brene Brown
Audio Available |
8 Minute Read
Published: Sep 11, 2011

Key Insights From:
Daring Greatly
By Brene Brown
Audio Available |
8 Minute Read
Published: Sep 11, 2011
What You'll Learn:
Author Brené Brown humorously proclaims herself a professional “vulnerability avoider.” In the safety of her research, she spent 12 years studying everything there is to know about vulnerability and its relationship to shame. With the data collected, she was confronted with a choice: to dare greatly in the face of vulnerability, or to recoil in shame. This book provides practical insight into the nature of vulnerability and how it directly impacts the human experience.
Key Insights:
- To live is to be vulnerable — there’s no avoiding it.
- Vulnerability isn’t good or bad; it’s just a sign that you are able to feel things.
- Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is a sign of strength, not weakness.
- Vulnerable communication should be reserved for those who have earned your trust.
- The “never enough” mantra of our culture tempers vulnerability and creates shame.
- The opposite of scarcity is adequacy, not abundance.
- Shame takes hold when we confuse what we do with who we are.
- Cultural expectations surrounding femininity and masculinity can trigger shame.
- Vulnerability has the power to rehumanize us.