Ethan Kross

Ethan Kross is an American experimental psychologist, neuroscientist and writer, who specializes in emotion regulation. He is a professor of psychology and management at the University of Michigan and director of the Emotion & Self Control Laboratory where he studies the science of introspection.

Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It

Our “inner voice” isn’t a quiet companion. At a rate of 4,000 words per minute, our brains bolster us to maintain self-control and achieve our goals, solidifying our identity and enabling us to conquer feats as varied as taking out the trash to running a marathon. But what do we do when these internal instructors turn into cruel tyrants? When our thought patterns disintegrate into harmful “chatter,” we lose one of our most helpful allies and stumble onto a merry-go-round of anxiety, negativity, and alienation. Psychologist and neuroscientist of human emotion Ethan Kross demonstrates how we might escape this carousel of toxic self-talk and employ our thoughts with freedom once again.

Bio information sourced from Wikipedia