Ned Johnson

Ned Johnson is an author, speaker, and founder of PrepMatters, Inc., a leading educational company providing academic tutoring, educational planning, and standardized test preparation.

A professional “tutor-geek” since 1993, Ned has logged nearly 40,000 hours working with students one-on-one and is a battled-tested veteran in the fields of test preparation, anxiety management, and student performance. Ned’s interpersonal coaching skills help him to manage kids’ anxiety while simultaneously motivating and empowering them to reach their full potential.

In 2006, Ned co-authored the book Conquering the SAT: How Parents Can Help Students Overcome the Pressure and Succeed, which centers on addressing the outsized role anxiety plays in standardized testing. With Dr. William Stixrud, he is the co-author of the forthcoming book The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives (February 2018, Viking). Their book explores how fostering children’s autonomy can help solve two challenges endemic to kids today: anxiety and developing intrinsic motivation. Ned is a sought-after speaker and teen coach on best practices of study skills, sleep deprivation, parent-teen dynamics, and test anxiety, and his work has been featured in publications such as US News & World Report, NPR, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and many others.

The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives

Without realizing it, countless parents are so eager to ensure their kids' success that they rob their children of the will and wherewithal to forge a path into the unknown. A growing number of children feel stressed and out of control in the face of the unknown and often carry that sense of helplessness with them into adulthood. Psychoneurologist William Stixurd and life coach Ned Johnson lend their decades of expertise working with children and adolescents and combine it with the latest research on the subject to offer parents a new framework for restoring a sense of confidence and inner motivation that their kids need to excel in life.

Bio information sourced from Wikipedia