Key Insights From:
2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity
By John Lennox

Key Insights From:
2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity
By John Lennox
What You'll Learn:
Algorithms, machine learning, transhumanism: Terms like these prompt apocalyptic warnings from distinguished leaders such as Elon Musk and Pope Francis. And yet, the same technology that can create a dystopian government also powers a robotic cat that kindly reminds its users to take their medications. The difficulty of artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is in the myriad of applications; scientists and philosophers alike can’t decide where this life-altering technology may lead. One thing they do know is that once the robotic cat is out of the bag, there’s no going back. Our ethics can’t keep up with the (literally) superhuman speed of progress in the field of AI reprogramming our world for better and for worse. Oxford mathematician and Christian philosopher John Lennox delves into the wired world of AI with a Christian worldview, distinguishing dystopian fiction from fact, and illuminating how AI might reprogram our perception of ourselves, humanity, and God.
Key Insights:
- Robots aren’t taking over the world just yet—most narrow AI tackles one problem at a time.
- No one knows who owns your data, but corporations and governments do know how to profit.
- AGI and transhumanism stretch AI to its ethical breaking point and leave cyborgs to pick up the too-human pieces.
- Developments in AI are informed by particular ethical worldviews.
- The thread of fallen humanity is entwined with pride and broken through Christ.