Key Insights From:
Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction
By Judith Grisel
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: Feb 19, 2019

Key Insights From:
Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction
By Judith Grisel
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: Feb 19, 2019
What You'll Learn:
The Grateful Dead once sang, “Too much of everything is just enough.” Through painful personal experiences and thorough research, neuroscientist Judith Grisel concludes that there’s no such thing as “enough” for the addict.
Key Insights:
- Drug abuse is arguably the world’s most pressing health problem.
- THC bathes the whole brain and makes the real world seem profoundly uninteresting.
- The brain creates its own opiates and anti-opiates, and narcotics disrupt the brain’s countervailing secretions.
- If cocaine hits your brain like a laser, excessive alcohol hits it like a sledgehammer.
- The solution to addiction is not more breakthroughs in neuroscience but genuine connection with other people.