Key Insights From:
The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
By Bryan Caplan

Key Insights From:
The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
By Bryan Caplan
What You'll Learn:
Economist Bryan Caplan boldly argues that benefits of education in its current form are tremendously overrated. Considering the money spent and the grueling hours that students are subjected to, very little prepares them for the actual workplace nor are there benefits to our broader society.
Key Insights:
- Very little of what students learn in school will ever be used on the job.
- Most teachers are people who have never left school; so how can they prepare students for the “real world”?
- Signaling is the explanation for the gap between education and job skills.
- The inflated power of the diploma doesn’t benefit society.
- The social returns on education are not nearly as grand as the propaganda suggests.
- There’s so much waste in the education industry, and everyone’s afraid to say it.