Russ Harris

Russ Harris (born 1966, Liverpool, United Kingdom) is a medical practitioner, psychotherapist, author, and life coach. Harris graduated Newcastle-Upon-Tyne University as a medical practitioner in 1989 and migrated to Melbourne, Australia, in 1991 where he began working as a GP. Harris is an internationally renowned trainer of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and has written eight books on the topic.

In 2015, Harris collaborated with the World Health Organisation to create an ACT protocol to aid refugees in managing their stress and coping with adversity.

The Happiness Trap

Suppose you could essentially rewire your brain’s approach to dealing with everyday anxiety, stress, and even fear. Russ Harris proposes this is possible through the ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) program, which helps the mind combat what he describes as the Happiness Trap. It can also help our minds expand and allow room for every feeling and emotion.

Bio information sourced from Wikipedia