Key Insights From:
The Body: A Guide for Occupants
By Bill Bryson
Audio Available |
12 Minute Read
Published: Oct 15, 2019

Key Insights From:
The Body: A Guide for Occupants
By Bill Bryson
Audio Available |
12 Minute Read
Published: Oct 15, 2019
What You'll Learn:
The majority of you is made up of six elements, and 99.9% of your DNA is exactly the same as everyone else’s—yet, both the human body and you are unprecedented mysteries. We’re the only organisms to cry out of sadness, and our brain shows us the future a fifth of a second before it actually happens. Enigmas like these riddle human anatomy and continue to baffle microbiologists, neuroscientists, and psychiatrists alike. Bestselling author Bill Bryson details the vivid story of the human body, drawing upon eye-opening facts—like the one that says our eyes don’t really see a majority of what we think they do—and scientific research to lead us further into the discovery of ourselves and the world of us.
Key Insights:
- We feel the world through our skin, the largest organ of the body.
- You aren’t as clean as you think—you have 40,000 species of microbes in your body right now.
- You have a personal internet in your head; Nature Neuroscience says that your brain carries 200 exabytes of knowledge.
- Historically, bleeding was seen as a cure-all—people believed that releasing blood released illness.
- Take a walk, then a nap: frequent movement and regular sleep are vital.
- Your cells get older, too—aging is inevitable on the molecular level.