Key Insights From:
The Communist Manifesto
By Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Audio Available |
8 Minute Read
Published: Feb 7, 2014

Key Insights From:
The Communist Manifesto
By Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Audio Available |
8 Minute Read
Published: Feb 7, 2014
What You'll Learn:
Readers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your ignorance! For all the Che Guevara T-shirts and “power to the people” chants, how many people know what Communism advocates? Find out what Karl Marx and his colleague Friedrich Engels actually believed in The Communist Manifesto.
Key Insights:
- History can be summed up as an ongoing tension between oppressor and oppressed.
- The bourgeoisie is pulling even the remotest areas into its vortex, conforming the world to its image.
- The middle class has created the very weapon on which it will be impaled, and the working class it has created will wield it.
- The chief goal of the Communists is to abolish private property.
- The bourgeoisie hypocritically talks about preserving family and education while commodifying family relations.
- Nothing short of revolution will wrest means of production and power from bourgeois hands.