2. If you want to change your life you’ll have to change your energy.

The universe is made up of limitless energy. All energy vibrates at a certain frequency. You and your desires, both conscious and unconscious, are vibrating at a certain frequency. Your frequency attracts like frequencies, a phenomenon commonly known as the “law of attraction.” You can consciously raise your frequency to match the vibration that you want to tune into. If you vibrate with the energy of awesomeness, that energy will attract awesome opportunities. 

There are many ways to raise our energy, but practicing being present is a great place to start. Most of us live anxiously, ping-ponging between past regrets and future fears, totally missing the limitless energy available to us in every moment. The universe is overflowing with miracles that can bring us love, joy, happiness, and connection. If we only realized that what we’re so fixated on becoming and creating is available to us now: the money, the spouse, the job, the creative expression . . . everything! Once we are aware of the positive energy around us, it is just a matter of letting it flow in moment by moment. By doing this, we escape the endless negative chatter in our heads and open the door to a richness of life unthinkable.