Key Insights From:
Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich
By Peter Schweizer

Key Insights From:
Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich
By Peter Schweizer
What You'll Learn:
At the end of Bill Clinton’s presidency, Hillary described the Clintons as “dead broke.” If this was how the early 2000s started for the Clintons, then there has been a dramatic reversal of their fortunes. Researcher and writer Peter Schweizer led a team of researchers to follow the Clintons’ money trails, and puts a pattern of dubious behavior before the public.
Key Insights:
- There are at least a dozen instances of the Clintons peddling their influence for funds, and covering their tracks by funneling donations through their philanthropic organizations.
- The Russia uranium deal gave Russia enormous access to US nuclear resources and made the Clintons and their associates very wealthy.
- Indian businessmen and politicians donated to Clinton campaigns and the Foundation to curry favor and sway decisions regarding India.
- The Clintons had significant control over Haiti relief and botched the job, according to Haitian and federal officials.
- When the book’s manuscript was leaked to Team Clinton, they resorted to mafia-esque tactics to thwart its publication.