Key Insights From:
Emotional Intelligence
By Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves

Key Insights From:
Emotional Intelligence
By Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves
What You'll Learn:
What best predicts success? Is it education? Life experience? Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves argue that more than special knowledge or skills, emotional intelligence (EQ) is an accurate predictor of success in life and work. Emotional intelligence is what separates high achievers from low achievers. You may be smart, but if you aren’t self-aware, able to interpret your own emotions or read other individuals or groups, then your success will be hampered. The good news is that emotional intelligence is not fixed. It’s a skill that can be developed. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 clarifies what emotional intelligence is, and offers suggestions for improving your ability to deal effectively with self and others.
Key Insights:
- Emotions are part of our everyday experience, which means it’s vital to understand them.
- The four components of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.
- New decision-making patterns form new pathways in your brain.
- Self-awareness is the gradual process of knowing who you truly are and how you operate.
- Self-management is about more than just keeping emotions bottled.
- Social awareness requires we resist the impulse to turn inward.
- Meaningful relationships take time, energy and emotional intelligence to navigate, but they’re worth it.