Key Insights From:
Why Won't You Apologize?: Healing Big Betrayals and Everyday Hurts
By Harriet Lerner
Audio Available |
12 Minute Read
Published: Oct 10, 2017

Key Insights From:
Why Won't You Apologize?: Healing Big Betrayals and Everyday Hurts
By Harriet Lerner
Audio Available |
12 Minute Read
Published: Oct 10, 2017
What You'll Learn:
We all know what it’s like to receive an insincere apology. We know the difficulty of admitting we were in the wrong. We know the power of a simple, genuine apology. Lerner teaches us the anatomy of the apology, the reasons we try to avoid giving them, and how to avoid bitterness and step into freedom when those who have wronged us refuse to apologize.
Key Insights:
- Sometimes what we think is an apology is not an apology at all.
- Apologies that confuse, crowd, or intrude on the injured party will bring more harm than repair.
- Over-apologizing is also a problem, and it’s most prevalent among women.
- Cultural messaging and family of origin impact our willingness or unwillingness to apologize.
- The more egregious the offense, the less likely the apology.
- Accept your child’s apology without lecturing and offer simple sincere apologies when you make a mistake.