Key Insights From:
Everybody, Always: Becoming Love in a World Full of Setbacks and Difficult People
By Bob Goff
Key Insights From:
Everybody, Always: Becoming Love in a World Full of Setbacks and Difficult People
By Bob Goff
What You'll Learn:
It’s easy to love the lovable. But can you love those who are different and difficult? That’s a tall order, but Bob Goff thinks it’s vital if we want love to be a concrete reality and not just an abstraction. Everybody, Always is a story-driven manifesto that shows how people loving like Jesus in our everyday lives—with vulnerability and kindness toward all—can truly make a world of difference.
Key Insights:
- Love is not merely something we affirm, but an identity that we should desire to embody.
- People don’t want to be told what they should do; they want to be reminded of who they are.
- Deep friendships can grow one three-minute conversation at a time.
- Our limits are not determined by what we don’t have but by what we don’t use.
- Acts of bravery are expressed in a variety of ways, and their potential to change the world should not be overlooked.
- We become love as we move from mere agreement with Jesus to embodying his teachings.