Key Insights From:
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
By Caroline Criado Perez
Audio Available | 13 Minute Read
Published: Mar 5, 2020
Key Insights From:
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
By Caroline Criado Perez
Audio Available | 13 Minute Read
Published: Mar 5, 2020
What You'll Learn:

Think of the experiences that riddle your day—driving your car to work, texting friends, watching a movie with family. Now consider this: Who constructed the way seatbelts are worn, or which characters receive the majority of speaking roles? Even something as seemingly insignificant as emojis (which didn’t include a female option for various occupations until 2016) attest to a male-biased cultural framework. Though society may parade as gender-neutral, a vast number of policies, industries, and daily activities were contrived by men who assumed that their perspective was the standard. The male viewpoint dominates, positioning itself as universal, and this has dire, sometimes fatal consequences for women. Activist Caroline Criado Perez documents this gender data gap through countless statistics, case studies, and other compelling evidence that reveals the fallacy of gender neutrality in an attempt to pull the female experience from its male shadow.

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