What You'll Learn:
Who is God? What is he like? How can we know him? These are monumental, but deeply important, questions with which all Christians must grapple. Theologian and scholar J.I. Packer’s classic is designed as a starting place for understanding what he contends is humanity’s most important journey.
Key Insights:
- Far from theoretical or irrelevant, theology is immensely practical.
- The distinction between knowing God and merely knowing about him is critical.
- The chief end for which we were created is to know God.
- The Incarnation is the grandest mystery and biggest stumbling block for the thoughtful objector.
- Losing sight of God’s majesty makes our trust brittle and our praise self-centered.
- Our modern sensibilities often inhibit a proper understanding of grace.
- Christ’s sacrifice was unlike any other in history because God himself became the sacrifice.