Key Insights From:
Livewired: The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain
By David Eagleman

Key Insights From:
Livewired: The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain
By David Eagleman
What You'll Learn:
86 billion neurons weave constellations of meaning. Our brains are much more than this mass accumulation of neuronal activity, though—rather, they’re breathing, evolving systems that learn to create sensory reality from mere information. The same organ that enables you to pick up subliminal social cues on a date allows amputees to operate robotic arms with relative ease. Neuroscientists are only just beginning to explore these remarkable capabilities of the constantly shifting human brain. Renowned writer and neuroscientist David Eagleman brings readers to the cusp of new research in the realm of brain plasticity, connecting the dots of our neural portraits and sparking an internal realization: We are much more than we think.
Key Insights:
- New day, new you—literally.
- It’s a beautiful day in the neuronal neighborhood: The organization of the brain replicates that of the body.
- We dream to avoid death—maybe.
- Sensory extensions aren’t the stuff of fantasy; the brain can do much more than we think.
- Arguing neurons bring bodily peace.
- Plasticity lasts even into old age. All it takes is trying something new.