What You'll Learn:
Loserthink examines our unproductive methods of thinking, which stem from a lack of personal experience across disciplines. Adams shares his insights on how to free our minds from the prison of loserthink by exploring the thought patterns inherent in multiple professions and political agendas. Through applying the best and avoiding the worst of these thought patterns, we can break down the walls of our mental prisons and begin to see the world for what it truly is, rather than the biased, fake, and uniform picture so often painted for us by the media.
Key Insights:
- Loserthink is the process of thinking in an unproductive manner.
- Loserthink is often exacerbated by our own ego and other illusions which cloud our judgment.
- History is not a reliable source for forming thought patterns.
- Science teaches that a productive thought process is skeptical of opinions based on coincidence and anecdotal evidence.
- Successful people believe they control their fate and live accordingly.
- Pundits are typically not objective observers; therefore, we should not be quick to imitate them when engaged in debate.
- There’s a lot of good going on in the world; we just don’t see it because the media loves to feed us problems.
- It is possible to free your mind from the mental prison of loserthink, but it will require you to change the way you think.