Key Insights From:
Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All
By Michael Shellenberger
Audio Available |
16 Minute Read
Published: Jun 30, 2020

Key Insights From:
Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All
By Michael Shellenberger
Audio Available |
16 Minute Read
Published: Jun 30, 2020
What You'll Learn:
Michael Shellenberger has been a passionate and respected environmentalist involved in causes all over the world, from Brazilian rainforests to South Korea’s nuclear power programs. But he also takes issue with the climate of hysteria that many environmentalists have engendered in their efforts to save the planet. Shellenberger argues that much of it is unwarranted, and that the hysteria obscures the more pressing environmental needs and blocks solutions to the very problems alarmists bemoan.
Key Insights:
- The United Nations and IPCC reports cited by media and climate alarmists do not present even a single apocalyptic scenario.
- The Amazon is fine, and it is not the lungs of the earth.
- Your paper straws will not save the planet.
- If we really care about reducing carbon emissions, we need to embrace nuclear power instead of demonizing it.
- Alarmist environmentalism has become its own religion—one that’s hanging humanity out to dry.