Key Insights From:
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
By Jaron Lanier
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: May 29, 2018

Key Insights From:
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
By Jaron Lanier
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: May 29, 2018
What You'll Learn:
Jaron Lanier has been building technology in the Silicon Valley since the 1980s and is often referred to as a founding father of virtual reality. He also has serious reservations about how certain technologies are being harnessed to harvest personal data and use it to alter people’s behavior. He encourages people to delete social media in order to discover who they are apart from it, and to galvanize social media companies into creating more humane business models.
Key Insights:
- In relationship to social media, be a cat—not a dog.
- Social media companies are “behavior modification empires,” perfecting the techniques behaviorist psychologists pioneered decades ago.
- The problem is not technology per se, but a business model that some tech companies use to manipulate their users.
- Social media makes it easy to oscillate between the poles of fake-nice and total jerk.
- You don’t really have much of a “voice” on social media because you’re the consumed—not the consumer.