Key Insights From:
The Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies and the Death of Competition
By Jonathan Tepper, Denise Hearn
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: Nov 29, 2018

Key Insights From:
The Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies and the Death of Competition
By Jonathan Tepper, Denise Hearn
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: Nov 29, 2018
What You'll Learn:
The myth of capitalism in the United States is that there is still competition. In a rare attempt to reach readers across the political spectrum, Tepper and Hearn argue that competition, one of the cornerstones of the free market, is in death throes, and that the lack of economic freedom will inevitably bleed into politics.
Key Insights:
- Capitalism without competition is not capitalism at all.
- Warren Buffett and Peter Thiel are fiercely anti-competition.
- Monopolies, duopolies, and oligopolies throttle competition in every major industry—to the harm of workers and consumers.
- Regulation harms small businesses far more than established monopolies—especially state-backed monopolies.
- San Francisco is the US economy writ small.