Key Insights From:
The World As I See It
By Albert Einstein
Audio Available |
6 Minute Read
Published: Jan 2, 2014

Key Insights From:
The World As I See It
By Albert Einstein
Audio Available |
6 Minute Read
Published: Jan 2, 2014
What You'll Learn:
For many, Einstein’s renown as a scientist has obscured other aspects of his life and thought. The World As I See It is a collection of essays, lectures, and letters Einstein wrote in the 1920s and 30s on topics as diverse as politics, culture, education, and spirituality. These essays shed new light on one of the greatest minds the world has known by showing his deep concern and love for life and humanity.
Key Insights:
- The human condition is remarkable and complex, full of both possibilities and constraints.
- Art and religious feeling have the power to inspire scientific exploration and discovery.
- International cooperation, education, and disarmament are essential to establishing world peace and stability.
- Americans are friendly, optimistic, and put a premium on material comfort.