What You'll Learn:
We all know that painful feeling of being at war with ourselves, and we are constantly on the lookout for ways to make ourselves whole. But some of our most common ways of striving for wholeness are dead ends. There’s codependency (a betrayal of wholeness), envy (a hankering for wholeness), workaholism (a barrier to wholeness), and perfectionism (a faux-wholeness). In this work of spiritual and psychological integration, Wilkie Au and Noreen Cannon weave together insights from Jesus and psychiatrist Carl Jung and show that faith and psychology, far from being worlds apart, bring genuine transformation when they move together.
Key Insights:
- Spirituality and psychology are intimately intertwined, and we miss something critical when we tear one away from the other.
- True wholeness is different from the static, finished-product model of wholeness that self-help gurus feed us.
- At their best, both psychology and spirituality are about moving through externalities to discover the innermost parts of oneself.
- Paradoxically, the shadow parts of us that we hide from the world are treasures God wants to use to make us holy and whole.