Key Insights From:
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
By Carl Jung
Audio Available |
8 Minute Read
Published: Aug 4, 1954

Key Insights From:
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
By Carl Jung
Audio Available |
8 Minute Read
Published: Aug 4, 1954
What You'll Learn:
The First World War brought a sense of profound unease to the modern soul. The Enlightenment’s optimism about human potential had difficulty explaining the recent displays of mass violence and lust for power. Written during a time when people were cynical about humanity and desperate for a sense of purpose, psychoanalyst and intellectual Carl Jung’s Modern Man in Search of a Soul offers reflections on what it means to be human. This collection of essays is a valuable window into the cultural currents that continue to shape our world almost a century later.
Key Insights:
- The truly modern man is one who’s taken on the struggle for higher consciousness and managed to escape the herd mentality.
- Modern man is proud of humanity’s accomplishments, chastened by its capacity for evil, and searching for hope.
- The West has become materially enriched and spiritually impoverished.
- The West has dominated the East politically and economically, but the East is gaining spiritual ground in the West.
- The realization that physical symptoms sometimes have non-physical roots has profound implications for medical and psychotherapist practice.
- There must be a more collaborative spirit between the therapist and the clergyman.