Key Insights From:
A Sense of Self: Memory, the Brain, and Who We Are
By Veronica O'Keane
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: May 25, 2021

Key Insights From:
A Sense of Self: Memory, the Brain, and Who We Are
By Veronica O'Keane
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: May 25, 2021
What You'll Learn:
In the spectacular space of a single human brain, endless memories flow upward. Whether you’re recalling your first birthday party or pondering some of society’s most complex problems (such as those rendered in this book), your brain functions like a repository of worlds. Psychiatrist Veronica O’Keane details the evolution of memory as it proceeds from the brain—from the cortex, to the hippocampus, and into the cranial lining of human consciousness.
Key Insights:
- The physical world is fuel for the brain—without it, we would have little to ponder.
- When you look in the mirror or out your window, your hippocampus is revving up, helping you to remember.
- If you keep forgetting your wallet, your purse, or (most alarmingly) your name, replenish your cortex with a little bit of sleep.
- Your insula makes a simple memory a personal masterpiece.
- Consciousness is an ideological needle in an ever-growing haystack.