What You'll Learn:
By exploring the Enlightenment era, Seth David Radwell both presents the history of political discourse in America and offers a set of solutions to bridge the divide that has become the norm in American politics. By exploring both Moderate and Radical Enlightenment, we get a glimpse into the establishment of the American Constitution and the subsequent democratic landscape. The schism that exists today took root prior to the American Revolution. With Radwell’s hope for a unifying future, we learn about America’s past and look to the future to bridge the divide.
Key Insights:
- Moderate Enlightenment thinkers attempt to answer fundamental questions such as who should govern and what natural rights cannot be infringed upon.
- Radical Enlightenment thinkers believed everyone could (and should) be able to attain Enlightenment.
- The framers of the American Constitution were members of both the Radical and the Moderate Enlightenment schools of thought.
- While the Moderate and Radical Enlightenments fought for dominance, a powerful new Counter-Enlightenment movement was born.
- Slavery created the ultimate schism in American history.
- The modern day American schism can be linked to President Donald Trump and the Counter-Enlightenment movement he inspired.
- Restoring our democratic society to heal the schism will require bipartisan support and action.