Key Insights From:
Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption
By Ben Mezrich

Key Insights From:
Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption
By Ben Mezrich
What You'll Learn:
Everyone’s heard of Mark Zuckerberg, and most people are aware that the social media platform that began as “” was not his idea. But whose idea was it? And whatever became of them? Far from sinking into obscurity, the Winklevoss twins have become billionaires through a very different kind of tech revolution that’s as maligned as it is misunderstood. From the author whose book inspired the film The Social Network comes a sequel which documents the redemption of the Winklevoss twins who went from getting “zucked” to riding the very lucrative wave of cryptocurrency.
Key Insights:
- Lightning usually doesn’t strike twice, but the Winklevoss twins have been at the helm of two revolutions: first social media, now cryptocurrency.
- Money is arguably humanity’s most ancient social network.
- The origins of cryptocurrency are mysterious, and its early followers made for an interesting cast of characters.
- The Winklevosses took drastic measures to make sure that no one would ever steal their tech ideas again.
- The road to becoming bitcoin billionaires was rife with betrayals, court orders, and bad press.
- The future of money is in digital currency—not in cash or gold.