What You'll Learn:
Most people know Freud as the father of psychology… and that’s about it. In Civilization and Its Discontents, Freud divulges his thoughts about life’s purpose, what drives us as humans, what shapes the evolution of culture, and why a perfect civilization is impossible to achieve.
Key Insights:
- Religious experiences are possible, but religious beliefs are still illusory.
- The pull toward religion can be traced back to the infantile desire for a father.
- Asking after the meaning of life is a futile quest.
- Civilization has brought miseries of its own, but a return to our primitive roots wouldn’t solve anything either.
- Culture has enabled the advancement of science and technology, but it hasn’t made us happier.
- Civilizations can only function if people curtail their natural sexual and aggressive instincts.
- Aggression is the biggest obstacle to harmonious civilization, one that’s impossible to remove.