Key Insights From:
Count Down
By Shanna H. Swan, Stacey Colino
Audio Available |
13 Minute Read
Published: Feb 23, 2021

Key Insights From:
Count Down
By Shanna H. Swan, Stacey Colino
Audio Available |
13 Minute Read
Published: Feb 23, 2021
What You'll Learn:
Men today have half the sperm their grandfathers had. Sperm count is dropping around the world, by 50 percent over the past 40 years. So what’s going to happen in another 40 years if present trends continue? Professor of Environmental Medicine and Public Health Shanna Swan shows us the warning signs, their impact on our health, and the practical steps we can take to reroute humanity’s current trajectory, which is heading toward global infertility.
Key Insights:
- We need to take rising infertility rates with the same level of seriousness that we do rising sea levels.
- Though initially met with skepticism in the early 90s, the evidence of declining reproductive capacities is becoming increasingly clear.
- The problem is not just diminished sperm quantity, but quality, too.
- There’s a lot of ignorance and stigma around the subject of infertility—especially among men.
- It’s easier to impress Harvard than a high-end sperm bank.
- “Forever chemicals” in our environments are finding their ways into our bodies and we are paying the price through increasing infertility.
- There are practical ways to slow and reverse dropping sperm counts.
- As the general public becomes more aware of the threats ECDs pose, hopefully the government will take the threats more seriously.