Key Insights From:
Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody
By Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay
Audio Available | 12 Minute Read
Published: Aug 25, 2020
Key Insights From:
Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody
By Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay
Audio Available | 12 Minute Read
Published: Aug 25, 2020
What You'll Learn:

Where does our new “woke” language come from? Why is it so harmful to actual progress in the realm of social justice? The Social Justice movement that dominates the thinking of contemporary society didn’t always exist. Rather, it originated in 1960s French academia through an intellectual movement called postmodernism, a way of thinking about reality that disregards objective truth and meaning. Later, in the 1980s and 90s, postmodern thought produced Critical Theory which supplies the current Social Justice movement with a majority of its ideas. Liberal thinkers Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay illustrate the rise of Social Justice movements in culture and the academy, advocating for a return to true liberalism as a means to question reality without forsaking objectivity.

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