Key Insights From:
By Hans Rosling
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10 Minute Read
Published: Apr 3, 2018

Key Insights From:
By Hans Rosling
Audio Available |
10 Minute Read
Published: Apr 3, 2018
What You'll Learn:
Author and international health professor, Hans Rosling, calls Factfulness “his very last battle in [his] lifelong mission to fight devastating global ignorance.” After years of trying to convince the world that all development indicators point to vast improvements on a global scale, Rosling digs deeper to explore why people systematically have a negative view of where humanity is heading. He identifies a number of deeply human tendencies that predispose us to believe the worst. For every instinct that he names, he offers some rules of thumb for replacing this overdramatic worldview with a “factful” one.
Key Insights:
- From the layman to the elite, there is widespread ignorance about global trends.
- An outdated, overdramatic view of global affairs is hurting us.
- When we compare extremes, we forget that the majority of people are somewhere in the middle.
- The global consensus is that the world is getting worse—and they’ve got it all wrong.
- Before getting angry over an isolated statistic, find a standard of comparison.
- We can’t stop generalizing, but we can get better at it.
- When we play the blame game, no one wins and nothing gets solved.
- Actions taken from a position of urgency and panic usually cause more problems than they solve.