Key Insights From:
Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era
By James Barrat

Key Insights From:
Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era
By James Barrat
What You'll Learn:
What if humanity’s extinction doesn’t come about through climate change, a nuclear holocaust, or a virulent pathogen for which we have no cure? What if an Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) takeover is more than just a good sci-fi premise? Author and journalist James Barrat was a technophile and optimistic about AI’s potential to serve humanity—until he dug a little deeper and discovered a far more chilling (and likely) future.
Key Insights:
- Advances in developing AI are raising questions faster than they can solve problems.
- We are not far away from artificial general intelligence, which would put us just a stone’s throw from artificial superintelligence.
- Whatever the promised benefits of AI, there are no guarantees that machines will continue to operate in humanity’s best interests.
- AI engineers and scientists consistently cite a sci-fi plot device as a defense against conscientious objections.
- There’s no precedent for cases of AI, but history has revealed the dangers of pursuing science without a clear, guiding ethic.
- A variety of cultural and social forces prevent the dangers of AI from resonating with the public.