Key Insights From:
Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook-Up World
By Jennifer Roback Morse
Audio Available |
10 Minute Read
Published: Jul 1, 2005

Key Insights From:
Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook-Up World
By Jennifer Roback Morse
Audio Available |
10 Minute Read
Published: Jul 1, 2005
What You'll Learn:
Morse argues that the Sexual Revolution has failed to deliver on its promises and has left us in confusion about what love is and how it’s fostered. If you really care about the pursuit of happiness, committed monogamous marriage is your best bet. Far from a merely private matter, how we view sex profoundly impacts family and society.
Key Insights:
- A free society depends on parents who can inculcate empathy and conscience into the next generation.
- Children are among the Sexual Revolutions’ most tragic casualties.
- Consumer sex is antisocial.
- Community is the gift of sex.
- The best response to our current dilemma is self-giving love, properly understood.