Key Insights From:
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
By Bessel van der Kolk
Audio Available |
10 Minute Read
Published: Sep 8, 2015

Key Insights From:
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
By Bessel van der Kolk
Audio Available |
10 Minute Read
Published: Sep 8, 2015
What You'll Learn:
We humans may be resilient creatures, but many have experienced traumatic events that can live on in brain and body and bar us from a sense of belonging and enjoyment of the present.
Key Insights:
- Trauma is a state of being stuck and running for your life well after the original threat is over.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder was not a recognized theory until 1980.
- For every traumatized soldier returning home, there are ten children for whom home is a warzone.
- Trauma is not something that just lives on “in your head”: it’s deeply embedded in your body.