What You'll Learn:
If Heaven really entails an eternity of sitting around on clouds and plucking harps, the afterlife sounds excruciatingly boring. Randy Alcorn offers a vision of Heaven that’s much more compelling, one better aligned with what the Bible says about Heaven. It’s a picture of the future that people might actually consider worth living and dying for.
Key Insights:
- People (including Christians) aren’t excited about heaven because their picture of heaven is painfully boring and tragically misinformed.
- We know enough about what heaven will be like to imagine what it could be like.
- Heaven’s not our final destination—earth is.
- The New Earth will not be a repeat of the Garden, but a civilization.
- In the New Earth, we won’t be “only human” but truly human, more ourselves than we could be under the Curse.
- In heaven, we’ll enjoy incorruptible, glorious resurrected bodies, free of disease and aging, capable of things we can’t imagine.
- It’s likely that animals will be part of the New Earth, and it’s possible that they’ll worship with us and talk with us.