What You'll Learn:
For anyone struggling to sustain the magic of love in their intimate relationships, understanding some key insights about gender differences may prove helpful. Men and women give and receive love differently and have different needs, so we need to change our approach instead of trying to change the person. Friction and resentment are born in relationships not because men and women are different, but because we have forgotten how truly different they are.
Key Insights:
- Men value success while women value connection.
- When men are stressed, they withdraw to their caves whereas women want to get more involved.
- Men are motivated by being needed.
- Women are motivated by the prospect of being cared for.
- Men interpret language literally and women interpret language by finding “hidden meaning.”
- A man’s intimacy cycle consists of getting close, retreating, then getting close again.
- A woman’s ability to give and receive love is directly related to how she feels about herself.
- Ninety percent of emotional reactions in relationships are caused not by our partner, but by our past hurts.