What You'll Learn:
Even though we may not realize it, our happiness is directly related to our relationships. Unfortunately, we may not be successful at nurturing these relationships. Barker presents us with four questions to help us build better relationships not only with our spouses but with our friends as well.
· Can you judge a book by its cover?
· Does love conquer all?
· Is a friend in need a friend indeed?
· Is no man an island?
By answering the following questions, we may improve upon the essential relationships in our lives.
Key Insights:
- Despite our best attempts, most of us have judged a book by its cover, but this may not be a bad thing after all.
- Friendship directly affects our mental and physical health, yet it seems to take a back seat to other relationships in our lives.
- For love to conquer all, we must put in the work.
- The loss of community has led to a breakdown of our relationships.
- Belonging is the meaning of life.