What You'll Learn:
Hyeonseo Lee gives us an account of her awakening to North Korea’s tyranny and oppression and her desire to escape it. The Girl with Seven Names is a chilling glimpse of life in North Korea, how she got out, and what she lost and gained in the process.
Key Insights:
- North Korea has a caste system, and one’s rank is determined by loyalty to the regime.
- Witnessing public executions and hearing news of the god-emperor’s death loosened propaganda’s grip on Lee.
- The collapse of the Soviet Union contributed to a famine that crushed North Korea—a failure that was promptly blamed on Yankee sanctions.
- Crossing the border from North Korea was not difficult at that time, but the punishment of getting repatriated was severe.
- While in China, deportation was an omnipresent threat hanging over the North Koreans who had defected.
- Not only did Lee free herself, but she managed to get her family out of North Korea, too.
- It will take the kindness of strangers and the support of the international community to help NKs.