Key Insights From:
The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God
By Timothy Keller

Key Insights From:
The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God
By Timothy Keller
What You'll Learn:
Marriage is an ancient practice, but there are numerous misconceptions surrounding its nature and purpose. Author and pastor Timothy Keller seeks to clarify what marriage is really about.
Key Insights:
- Self-centeredness makes you blind to your own faults and easily offended by your spouse’s.
- Giving pleasure and happiness to your spouse—even when you aren’t in the mood—tends to increase your own satisfaction.
- You will be a better parent if you prioritize your marriage over your relationship with your children.
- Neither marriage nor your spouse created flaws in you—they merely exposed what was already there.
- Submission in Christian marriage is a two-way street.
- Despite common caricatures of Christian prudishness, Scripture has a high view of sex and sexuality.