What You'll Learn:
What kind of decision maker are you—an impulsive, shoot from the hip, let the chips fall where they may type? Or are you a more analytical, methodical, left-brained person? Truth be told, most of us exhibit traits from both camps. Rarely is anyone just one type or the other. Kahneman’s aim in this book isn’t to help us identify what kind of decision-maker we are, but to enlighten us about the factors which influence our decision processes, highlighting those factors of which we are often unaware.
Key Insights:
- Evolution has divided our brain’s functionality into two distinct systems.
- We usually choose the easiest, simplest answer available to us, often ignoring more complex evidence.
- Our ability to recall accurately and predict reliably is often quite flawed, although we don’t acknowledge it.
- Minimizing risk and loss governs our major decisions, especially financial ones.
- When it comes to events, we cherish memories more than experiences.