What You'll Learn:
As Paul Kalanithi neared his graduation from Stanford Medical School, he knew he was physically ill. Subsequent testing confirmed that he had stage IV lung cancer. This book became his final project, an attempt to convey what dying means to a person who is still living. Paul chronicles those things that brought him a sense of significance throughout his life and especially in his last days.
Key Insights:
- At a young age, Paul decided medicine was not for him.
- His mom’s love of learning helped shape Paul’s future.
- Paul’s innate curiosity pushed him to go deeper in his studies.
- Paul realized authentic medicine can truly benefit others.
- In neurosurgery, Paul found the challenge for which he had been searching.
- For Paul, the pursuit of excellence in all things became a moral obligation.
- Paul vowed to live until he dies.
- Paul learned to cope with the emotional roller-coaster that is cancer.
- “ The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.” - Cicero