What You'll Learn:
Author of the international bestseller Man’s Search for Meaning Viktor Frankl wrote a series of essays within a year of his release from Nazi concentration camps. These essays, originally published in 1946, were recently published in English for the first time.
Key Insights:
- The horrors of Nazism show us what happens when people become means to ends instead of ends in and of themselves.
- Optimism and pessimism are both fatalisms that prevent us from acting meaningfully in life.
- The best defenses against fatalism are remembering the individual human life and prioritizing meaningful action over mere words.
- Neither pleasure nor its absence has the power to diminish the meaning of someone’s life.
- The question is not what we can expect from life, but what life can expect from us.
- How well you occupy the space that’s yours matters far more than how big or small that space is.