Key Insights From:
In Praise of Walking: A New Scientific Exploration
By Shane O'Mara
Audio Available |
12 Minute Read
Published: May 12, 2020

Key Insights From:
In Praise of Walking: A New Scientific Exploration
By Shane O'Mara
Audio Available |
12 Minute Read
Published: May 12, 2020
What You'll Learn:
In Praise of Walking celebrates and explores the seemingly simple and often overlooked exercise of walking. Shane O’Mara shows us that bipedalism is a uniquely human evolutionary adaptation that shapes our identity and experience in a truly holistic manner. In a world that is increasingly sedentary, we are urgently reminded of the joys, benefits, and impact of getting up and walking around.
Key Insights:
- The habitual act of walking has a multitude of benefits for both brain and body, many of which are only just being discovered.
- Walking has been well-conserved over eons of evolutionary history and in many species, but humans alone stand on their own two feet.
- Subconscious and conscious stimuli trigger our brains to fire individual cells to guide us along our chosen paths.
- Society is increasingly urbanized and as a result, all cities should be easy to walk in, accessible to all, safe, and enjoyable.
- When we begin moving, so do our brains.
- Humans were made to walk together, and in doing so, walking can be a powerful tool for connection and for change.