Key Insights From:
Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity
By Scott Galloway
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: Nov 24, 2020

Key Insights From:
Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity
By Scott Galloway
Audio Available |
11 Minute Read
Published: Nov 24, 2020
What You'll Learn:
In an economic upswing Bloomberg Businessweek called “The Great Disconnect,” US stock market indexes ascended despite the devastation of a quarantined Covid summer. With hundreds of thousands dying, losing jobs, and learning to navigate the narrowing space of life, how could this be? Renowned professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business Scott Galloway argues that the Covid pandemic simply advanced already present trends percolating within the American economy, demonstrating how big tech broke the market mold and how the US can glimpse the economic silver lining in a cloud of cultural chaos.
Key Insights:
- The economy was already looking to jump into new territory—the pandemic simply pushed it over the edge.
- The Covid pandemic created the ideal environment for big tech to flourish.
- Don’t pay attention to the hoodie—our government should treat monopolies as monopolies.
- Higher education creates economic inequality, and it must evolve to stay in business.
- The post-corona world needs a makeover—one that doesn’t include a mask.