Key Insights From:
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
By Timothy Ferriss
Audio Available | 14 Minute Read
Published: Dec 15, 2009
Key Insights From:
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
By Timothy Ferriss
Audio Available | 14 Minute Read
Published: Dec 15, 2009
What You'll Learn:

There’s a wave of entrepreneurs known as the New Rich. They’re not all millionaires, but they live like kings and queens. They take mini-retirements throughout their lives rather than waiting for a post-65 golden era. They’ve found ways to work less while maximizing effectiveness and profit. They have a consistent cash flow without constantly attending to it. They work remotely, sometimes all over the world, and for far less than daily expenses they’d pay living in their home country. It’s not difficult to do; it just requires a different way of seeing the world. By upending assumptions about wealth and choosing the more effective path to financial freedom, you actually can have it all: not just income, but also time and mobility.

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