What You'll Learn:
Since its publication in 1989, Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has sold more than 25 million copies worldwide. Covey’s approach differs from the myriad quick-fix solutions that promise outward change, but neglect to evaluate the character and habits of the person. This book defines a habit as the internalization of principles such as empathy, cooperation, and growth. As Covey shows us, to achieve your goals, you must build your character on a principle-centered foundation.
Key Insights:
- The most effective way to achieve your goals is to transform your character.
- Being proactive will empower you to create the reality you want.
- If you begin your journey with the end in mind, the destination you reach will be in line with your core principles.
- Setting priorities based on your core principles allows you to spend your time and energy wisely.
- Cooperation—not competition—is the most effective response to conflict.
- You’ll have more effective dealings with others if you practice being a genuinely empathetic listener.
- To be an effective person, you need to constantly sharpen and renew yourself—physically, spiritually, and socially.