What You'll Learn:
This classic by Dale Carnegie has been in print for over 80 years. The book is for anyone who wants to learn how to work effectively with people, to handle conflicts more gracefully, to criticize without offending, and to win others to alternative ways of thinking. Carnegie outlines numerous principles, each full of anecdotes and the writings of famous intellectuals and politicians, as well as his own personal experiences. The principles give the reader insights into what makes humans tick and makes them happy. Carnegie maintains that following these principles will pave the way for more meaningful friendships, wider influence, and greater success in life.
Key Insights:
- Criticism demoralizes people and causes them to resent you, rather than respect you.
- People always respond positively to encouragement and genuine expressions of appreciation.
- If you want to be liked and respected, be a good listener and show genuine interest in others.
- Telling people how wrong they are will turn them against you, so lay down your arms and avoid being argumentative.
- Asking questions is the best way to establish common ground with others.
- Since results matter more than recognition, be willing to let others take the credit.
- When it comes to winning hearts and minds, nothing is more effective than empathy.
- People are motivated by self-interest, so appeal to that when you’re trying to be persuasive.
- You’ll cultivate feelings of loyalty and gratitude if you let others save face when they mess up.
- People will perform better if you verbally acknowledge their potential to be better.