What You'll Learn:
Sweets are loaded with sugar—that’s what makes them sweet. Everyone knows that. What isn’t as widely known is that other foods come packed with sugar, too. From snack foods to condiments, and from microwavable meals to breakfast bars, sugar has a presence in almost everything we consume. There was a time when sugar used to be a luxury reserved for only the wealthy and powerful, but it has since become ubiquitous, finding its way into so much of our food that it’s practically unavoidable. What brought us to this point of sugar saturation, and what does it mean for our bodies? This book aims to answer those questions.
Read on for several key insights from The Case Against Sugar.
Key Insights:
- Sugar used to be rare and expensive, and was even traded among royals as a gift.
- As mass production became possible, sugar quickly became a staple of the American diet.
- Despite popular misconceptions, some calories are worse for you than others.
- Sugar has been dishonestly promoted as healthy, and competition has been stifled.
- We’ve been lied to about the dangers of fatty foods so that we’ll fear them more than sugar.
- Excessive sugar consumption can cause insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes.
- The maladies of people who consume too much sugar should serve as a stark warning.