What You'll Learn:
A few months after losing her second bid for the presidency and after some much needed rest, Hillary Rodham Clinton sat down to write a book detailing to herself and to her constituents what went wrong. She shoulders complete responsibility for her defeat. That said, there were many unexpected twists and turns that effected the election process. Clinton lays out in intricate detail how the combination of all these events led to her defeat. She also issues a warning about upcoming elections, anticipating that similar problems will recur in the future.
Key Insights:
- While defeat was difficult, Clinton realized she couldn’t stay stuck in loss.
- Clinton believed she was not only the best woman candidate, but the best candidate period.
- Clinton focused on projecting an organized campaign more than displaying a charismatic personality.
- Though politically imprudent, Clinton felt compelled to take on the NRA.
- Clinton underestimated the furor her mixing of personal and official emails would cause.
- Russian interference quite probably cost Clinton the election.
- In hindsight, Clinton realizes she badly misjudged the mood of the nation.